Time Travellers of Dwarka

A team of marine archaeologists, in search of Atlantis, dive into the Arabian sea to look out for the submerged city of Dwarka. They followed the clues only to discover 'Kushasthali', the capital city of Puranic King Kakudmi.

The exploration of the lost city not only brought the treasure of knowledge but also the curse from the depth. The team gets stuck in the space-time matrix.

Trapped in the matrix, they visualized the magnificence of Kakudmi's kingdom and his ability to travel in time. They saw something that no one else had seen or imagined. They solved many historical mysteries while trapped in the maze.

But can they come out of this matrix?

Get immersed in the ancient Vedic age and visualize the adventurous journey of Kakudmi and Revati.

What is the story all about?

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Release Date: April 2024

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