Shree Yantra Series

Shree Yantra - The (space) ship constructed and used by Vaivasvat Manu and Saptarishi to save the seeds of humanity during the great deluge !!

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Time Travellers of Dwarka

A team of marine archaeologists, in search of Atlantis, dive into the Arabian sea to look out for the submerged city of Dwarka. They followed the clues only to discover 'Kushasthali', the capital city of Puranic King Kakudmi.

The exploration of the lost city not only brought the treasure of knowledge but also the curse from the depth. The team gets stuck in the space-time matrix.

Trapped in the matrix, they visualized the magnificence of Kakudmi's kingdom and his ability to travel in time. They saw something that no one else had seen or imagined. They solved many historical mysteries while trapped in the maze.

But can they come out of this matrix?

Get immersed in the ancient Vedic age and visualize the adventurous journey of Kakudmi and Revati.

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Saptarishi - Journey To Earth

A long time ago in the history of mankind, there existed a planet called ‘Dharaa’. Humankind on this planet reached the apex of technological development. Humankind not only reaped the benefits of scientific developments but also created the device for its own destruction. The world was hanging on the verge of a world war.

Vaivasvat, an immortal being and a visionary, foresees the inevitable war and the resulting planetary destruction. A true leader, Vaivasvat formed a team comprising the most able people on the planet. Together they were called Saptarishi.

Were they successful in saving the planet?

How did they save the seeds of humanity?

This novel takes the Vedic and Puranic teachings in to account while narrating the adventurous yet thought-provoking story of Vaivasvat Manu and the seven great sages of the era.

Book Trailer - Time Travellers of Dwarka

Legends of Vaivasvat Manu & the great Saptarishi


Little History of Earth - Religion and Science

30 April 2023

What does God eat?

14 April 2023

Interesting things to note in all world mythologies

28 March 2023

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About Bibhuti

Bibhuti Shankar Das, an IIT graduate and a post graduate from University of Texas, is a software professional since last eighteen years. He is an avid reader of Hindu mythological texts and epics, which includes Vedas and Puranas. He has travelled to many religious and historical places in India and abroad, talked to many knowledgeable people, sages and monks to explore the mystical secrets of religious texts. A keen reader of people, culture and tea leaves, he is passionate about history, archaeology, astronomy, mythology and philosophy.

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